5076.0: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 - 8:30 AM

Abstract #29335

Teen Choices & Challenges

Muriel Y. Guzzi, Frayne B. Rosenfield, MPH, CHES, and Robert A. Aboulache, MA, CHT. Regional Health Education, Health Promotion and Prevention, Kaiser Permanente, 393 East Walnut Street, Pasadena, CA 91188, 626-564-3629, muriel.y.guzzi@kp.org

Developed by Kaiser Permanente, the Teen Choices & Challenges program is an innovative approach to providing preventive health and psychosocial services to teens. The program includes an interactive, multimedia computerized health risk assessment and is followed by an education and counseling session. It was developed in accordance with the American Medical Association's Guidelines for Adolescent Preventive Services (GAPS) and is designed for use in schools, clinics, and other community settings.

The program, created with input from over 200 teens, has been successfully pilot tested with a diverse group of 340 teens at an Oakland high school, Planned Parenthood of NYC, Group Health of Spokane and at a Kaiser Permanente Teen Clinic. The results of the pilot are as follows:

· More than 90% of participating teens who completed a confidential evaluation found the computer program useful. · 96% said they would recommend it to a friend · 93% said there was nothing they did not like about it. · 99% found the counseling sessions helpful. · Nearly two-thirds reported that they would change something in their lives as a result of what they learned from participating.

Learning Objectives: To become familiar with Kaiser Permanente's Teen Choices & Challenges program. Recognize the importance of conducting teen health assessments for development of innovative health programming. Learn about effective health education delivery methods geared towards teenagers. List several key health issues facing teenagers today. Identify specific resources to triage teenagers into appropriate care

Keywords: Adolescent Health, Risk Assessment

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: Kaiser Permanente
Disclosure not received
Relationship: Not Received.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA