4116.0: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - 1:00 PM

Abstract #29269

National survey of SSI children and families: Sample design

Frank Potter, PhD1, Michael Sinclair2, and Bidisha Ghosh2. (1) Mathematica, , fpotter@mathematica-mpr.com, (2) Mathematica Policy Research, P.O. Box 2393, Princeton, NJ 08543

The NSCF collects data on children with disabilities (and their families) who are receiving or have applied for SSI benefits. Because of the multiple objectives of the NSCF, Mathematica used a complex allocation algorithm to ensure adequate sample sizes for survey estimates for more than 100 analytic populations at a minimum expected cost. The analytic populations for current SSI recipients are children who were: (1) SSI recipients at welfare reform, (2) not SSI recipients at welfare reform, and (3) ages 17-18 at the time of the survey. These populations are further defined by age (under/over 17), gender, type of impairment (mental vs. other), living situation, and duration of SSI receipt. For welfare reform analyses, the analytic populations are children who were: (1) subject to redetermination with SSI benefits continued, (2) subject to redetermination with SSI benefits ceased, (3) not subject to redetermination, and (4) children with previous contact with SSI but were not receiving SSI benefits at welfare reform. This optimization indicated that approximately 9,860 completed interviews are required to meet SSA's analytical objectives and cost constraints. The NSCF uses a two-stage probability sample design. Primary sampling units (PSUs) were constructed using SSI program files and 75 PSUs were selected to form a nationally representative sample. PSUs are single or multiple adjacent counties. Within the selected PSUs, the SSI program files were used as the sampling frame for the selection of individual children. The design uses both explicit and implicit stratification to ensure adequate sample sizes to support planned analysis. See www.mathematica-mpr.com

Learning Objectives: To learn about the sample design for the National Survey of SSI Children and Families

Keywords: Children With Special Needs, Disability Studies

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: Social Security Administration, Mathematica Policy Research
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA