5213.0: Wednesday, October 24, 2001 - 5:00 PM

Abstract #29076

Peer workers for adherence to highly active antiretroviral medications (HAART): The peer worker perspective

Pauline Fant1, Edward Jervis1, Ibrahima Cisse1, Cecelia Megginson1, Angela Rita, CSW2, and April Greenwood, MPH3. (1) Harlem Adherence to Treatment Study, Harlem Hospital Center, 506 Lenox Ave., rm 3101-A, Div. of Infectious Diseases, New York, NY 10037, 212-939-2847, ah483@columbia.edu, (2) Harlem Hospital Center, Columbia University, 506 Lenox Avenue Rm 3101-A, New York, NY 10037, (3) Division of Infectious Diseases, Harlem Hospital Center, 506 Lenox Avenue, OPD Building, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10037

Issues: The program offers a peer model intervention to improve adherence to HAART. Peer worker (PW) will talk about the positive impact of her job on clients and the challenges she faces in the process of building a relationship and motivating clients to adhere to HAART.

Description: HIV infected clients in our community often come from impoverished backgrounds, with poor social supports, substance use and other significant health and social concerns. Being from the same community, PWs share similar backgrounds and experiences with clients. PWs provide social support and address non-adherence in a non-judgmental and supportive manner. They use their own experience with HIV and HAART to provide informal counseling, help clients to navigate the health system, and overcome barriers to adherence. Creating a relationship with clients, disclosing their HIV status, and building mutual trust are some of the initial challenges faced by the PWs. However, most clients respond in a positive way to the intervention. Clients share their difficulties with adherence and seem to become motivated to change their behavior. A recurring challenge for PWs is to address the clients' strong emotions (fear, anger or depression) while maintaining objectivity. PWs also have to deal with their own health issues. An additional challenge for PWs is the client's termination from the program at the end of the yearlong intervention and dealing with the clients' attachment to the PWs.

Conclusion: PWs bring a unique perspective to their work, allowing trusting relationship with clients which promotes adherence to HAART.

Learning Objectives: To describe an innovative approach using peer workers to facilitate adherence to HIV & TB treatment in Harlem

Keywords: Community Health Promoters, Adherence

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: Harlem Hospital
I have a significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.
Relationship: employment

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA