3132.0: Monday, October 22, 2001 - 2:55 PM

Abstract #27781

Serving the Needs of Western Maryland: Access to Care

Marla Oros, MS, RN, Susan Antol, MS, RN, and Shelia Green, MS, RN. School of Nursing, University of Maryland, 655 West Lombard street, 4th Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201, , OROS@son.umaryland.edu

Access to health care is a priority in our society. However, major concerns surround health care delivery to population of rural areas where there are insufficient numbers of health care providers. These individual and families of rural areas tend to be poorer, have fewer years of education, and tend to be "bipolar" in age distribution. Specific strategies for appropriate, accessible, and affordable health care are necessary for health care delivery in these areas

In order to overcome these obstacles, the University of Maryland School of Nursing has collaborated with the state of Maryland to develop and operate a mobile health care outreach program. This innovative program, The Governor's Wellmobile, a 33-foot long van, promotes and provides health care to many of Maryland's rural populations by providing "curb-to-curb" service throughout many communities in the state. This coordinated service delivery is achieved by collaborative efforts of the University of Maryland with local health departments, hospitals, community organizations, local Federally Qualified Health Centers, and managed care organizations. Wrap around services, such as diagnostics and specialty services, are secured through community partnerships with a variety of health care providers. This integrated network plays an important role in ensuring that all individuals, regardless of geographical location, have appropriate access to health care. Additionally, the Wellmobile Program supports the learning needs of the undergraduate community health students, graduate level nurse practitioner students, and interdisciplinary training in collaboration with the University of Maryland's School of Pharmacy and School of Social Work.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the participant will be able to: 1.Describe the lifestyle of rural populations. 2.Discuss health related issues of rural populations. 3.Evaluate issues related to delivery of services for rural populations. 4.Identify barriers of access to health care for the rural populations. 5.Identify and prioritize interventions that would assist individuals and families in securing health care. 6.Create programs that encourage health promotion among these individuals and families.

Keywords: Access to Health Care, Rural Health Care Delivery System

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: University of Maryland
Disclosure not received
Relationship: Not Received.

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The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA