3073.0: Monday, October 22, 2001 - Board 7

Abstract #25602

Kids on the move: An after-school fitness and nutrition program for children ages 9-12

Wytaria Z. Henley, BS, MBA, Catherine McCarroll, MPH, RD, and Ann Walsh, MS, RD. Community Health Development and Advocacy, Children's Health Care of Atlanta, 1699 Tullie Circle, Atlanta, GA 30329, 404.417.5674, wytaria.henley@choa.org

The Kids on the Move program was developed and implemented by Children's Healthcare of Atlanta's Community Health Development and Advocacy Department (CHD&A) in response to the increase in cardiovascular risk factors in children. The program was offered eight times with a total of 76 self-selected participants. The eight-week fitness and nutrition program met for 75-minute classes three days a week. Participants completed physical testing using components of the FitnessGram® (pacer test, and sit-and-reach test). Games such as relay races, jumping rope, and playing "kick –ball," were followed by key nutrition topics. Significant improvements were seen on the pacer test by 29 out of 49 individuals 59% of those with completed data. Flexibility significantly improved for 63% of individuals. Post-program telephone interviews were conducted with participants' parents to measure any perceived behavioral changes. Seventy-one percent of the parents stated that they noticed an increase in the amount of water their child was drinking. Forty-three percent stated that they noticed a positive change in their child’s breakfast eating habits. Ninety-percent of the parents stated that their child was requesting and/or eating more fruits and vegetables. Fifty-seven percent stated that their child had decreased the amount of television and/or video game time. Sixty-eight percent of the parents stated that they noticed an increase in their child’s activity level. These results suggest that there may be significant behavioral as well as some physical changes related to cardiovascular risk factors seen in youths who choose to participate in a program of this type.

Learning Objectives: Participants will be able to recognize risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease. Participants will be able to apply skills that reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Keywords: Children's Health,

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
I have a significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.
Relationship: Children's Healthcare of Atlanta is my employer.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA