4057.0: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - Board 5

Abstract #24649

Occupational Chemical Exposure Surveillance: Design and Validation of a Survey

Rukmani Ramaprasad, MSc, Lisa Huguenin, PhD, Paula Knudson, MS, CIH, Eileen Senn, MS, CIH, and David Valiante, MS, CIH. Occupational Health Service, New Jersey Department of Health and Senior Services, PO Box 360, Trenton, NJ 08625, (609) 984-9443, rramaprasad@doh.state.nj.us

Occupational exposure is usually assessed by costly and time consuming methods such as personal and/or area monitoring. Development of methods that can estimate exposure for large numbers of subjects in a cost effective and timely manner is needed for the prevention of occupational chemical exposure. This research focuses on the development of a prototype survey to mail to employers that assesses the potential for worker exposure. A scoring method has been developed that could be used to direct the prevention activities at surveyed workplaces. Seven specific carcinogens that are in common use are being studied. A random sample of facilities in standard industrial classifications that may use specified carcinogens is being sampled. A nationally available commercial database of facilities is being used to select the sample. Facilities are asked to voluntarily participate. The final survey design was determined by revisions during multiple pre-test rounds and is being validated by on-site visits to facilities. A random sample of responses is chosen for validation. Key questions in the survey collect data on the type of business, the way the chemical is used, the number of employees handling the chemical, patterns of use. Information is also collected for each job title that handles the chemical. Questions that gauge the degree of health and safety awareness and activity at the workplace are also included. At the conclusion of the presentation the participant will: 1. Develop a better understanding of hazard surveillance. 2. Understand how questionnaires can be used for assessing potential workplace exposure.

Learning Objectives: 1. Develop a better understanding of hazard surveillance. 2. Understand how questionnaires can be used for assessing potential workplace exposure.

Keywords: Occupational Exposure, Survey

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

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The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA