3248.0: Monday, October 22, 2001 - 9:00 PM

Abstract #24519

Condom Manufacturers Boost Condom Use in Indonesia�s Red Light Areas

Reed C. Ramlow and Don Levy. The Futures Group International, 1050 17th St, NW, Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20036

Under the HIV/AIDS Prevention Project, The Futures Group International (FUTURES) and the Consortium of Concerned Condom Manufacturers implemented a social marketing campaign designed to increase condom use among commercial sex workers (CSWs) and their clients in Indonesian red light areas. Two local condom manufacturers and one multinational marketed various condom brands at multi-price levels to suit all consumer segments. FUTURES and the Consortium executed an integrated, results-driven condom marketing strategy that included: massive condom promotion and education activities in red light areas, including a three-month �Kondomania� promotion that boosted condom sales; company sponsorship of 127 NGO �enter-educate� events targeting the sex trade; media relations resulting in extensive press coverage (an estimated $300,000 in media value); and mass media advertising. Consortium task forces expanded condom distribution and visibility in cigarette kiosks, small shops, bars and brothels.

The project achieved notable impact; in one year (1999), condom use among CSWs rose 30 percent. Condom availability and visibility also substantially increased in red light areas. Retail audits suggested that the campaign had a strong impact on condom sales. A final survey of nearly 500 men in red light areas found that most recalled condom advertising, more than one-third said they used condoms because they believed condoms reduce STD risk, and nearly all were aware of HIV/AIDS. The Consortium members planned to sustain the task forces after project subsidies ended. These results establish the advantages of partnership with the commercial sector to stimulate investment and commitment in sustainable disease prevention efforts.

Learning Objectives: By the end of the session, attendees will be able to articulate the value of an effective partnership with condom manufacturers in HIV/AIDS prevention.

Keywords: Condom Use, Sex Workers

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: PT Vonix, Rajawali Nusindo, London International Group
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

Handout (.doc format, 114.0 kb)

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA