4289.0: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - 5:10 PM

Abstract #23575

Upgrading Public Health Laboratory Capacity in Central American and Caribbean Nations Following Hurricanes Mitch and George: A Partnership Between Public Health Laboratories and Epidemiologists

Kajari Shah, MPH and Areana Quinones, MPH. Assoc. of Public Health Laboratories, 2025 M Street, Suite 550, Washington, DC 20036

In fall 1998 Hurricanes Mitch and George caused widespread destruction and loss of life in Central America and the Caribbean. The damage left thousands homeless, destroyed potable water systems and roads, and facilitated spread of communicable diseases. Public health systems were overwhelmed in seven countries. With support from the USAID, APHL joined with CDC, PAHO, and ministries of health in the impacted countries to rebuild and improve public health laboratory capacity and enhance disease prevention, surveillance, and control.

Following initial organizational meetings, laboratorians and epidemiologists from each country, with assistance from APHL and CDC, assessed current resources and capacities. Plans were then developed for upgrading laboratories and epidemiology programs. Designated categories of laboratory support included equipment, supplies, reconstruction, and training.

A joint planning meeting attended by laboratory directors and epidemiologists from all impacted countries, together with representatives from APHL, CDC, and PAHO, determined top priorities for laboratory improvement. PAHO and APHL subsequently organized specific courses and hands-on training to be attended by representatives of each country.

Accomplishments to date include: training in Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Costa Rica. Equipment purchased and installed in Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador and Costa Rica. Laboratory facilities have been improved in several countries.

Conclusion: A multicultural approach must include an open mind and a full measure of patience. Training and equipment purchases should meet the continuing needs of the country to address which methodologies will be sustainable to develop quality results within the laboratory systems of each country.

Learning Objectives: Recognize effective coordination efforts between US agencies and various Ministries of Health Understand collaborative activities between laboratorians and epidemiologists and their equal role within the health system

Keywords: Latin American, Training

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: Association of Public Health Laboratories Centers for Disease Control & Prevention United States Agency for International Development
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA