4280.0: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - 5:15 PM

Abstract #23139

Rural health in Los Angeles: Achieving rural designation of Medical Service Study Areas (MSSAs) in a large urban county, 2001

Howard E Lee, MD, MPH, Timothy K Moore, Amado Ulloa, Nehemias Gutierrez, MPH, and Deborah Davenport, RN, MS. Los Angeles County Department of Health Services, Antelope Valley/Service Planning Area 1, Public Health Administration Office, 44900 N 60th St W, Lancaster, CA 93536, 661-945-8477, howardelee@earthlink.net

BACKGROUND: Most of LA County’s ten million residents live in urban areas, and currently, the entire county is designated as urban by the state health administration. However, the Antelope Valley (AV) in northern LA county contains rural areas where access to health services is affected due to decreased providers and increased distances to clinics and hospitals. Despite such barriers, AV (and the MSSA to which it corresponds) is also defined as urban, thus excluding it from potential funding for rural sites. OBJECTIVE: We sought to obtain formal recognition of rural areas in AV through creative limited redesignation of new rural MSSAs. METHODS: 1998 population data, 1990 census tracts, and criteria for rural MSSAs were examined. Also, GIS maps of the area and proposed amendments to census tracts for 2000 were reviewed to anticipate any effect on our proposal. In collaboration with community partners, we presented our findings at a state commission meeting in February 2001. RESULTS: With overall population density less than 250 people per square mile, AV meets one important requirement for rural designation. In addition, one third of its census tracts individually fulfill this criterion. These results are being reviewed for expected approval and designation of these areas as rural MSSAs. CONCLUSION: Achieving rural designation for deserving areas in AV will improve access to healthcare by qualifying the region to apply for funding for state administered rural health programs. This methodology can be utilized by agencies considering a similar review of their areas for rural designation.

Learning Objectives: After the conclusion of the session, the participant will be able to: 1. Describe barriers to health access in rural communities. 2. Understand the criteria for a rural Medical Service Study Area. 3. Articulate the methods needed to pursue obtaining rural health designation.

Keywords: Rural Health, Access to Health Care

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA