4312.0: Tuesday, October 23, 2001 - Board 3

Abstract #22057

Use of a "student portfolio" in the community health teaching-learning process

Lazelle E Benefield, PhD, RN, Pamela Jean Frable, ND, RN, and Alison Moreland, MSN, RN. School of Nursing, Texas Christian University (TCU), TCU Box 298620, Fort Worth, TX 76129, 817.257.7043, l.benefield@tcu.edu

This presentation describes the structure, process and outcomes associated with the use of a “Student Portfolio” when teaching community health concepts to nursing students in a baccalaureate and RN-to-master’s degree program. Using an on-line format and a model of assessment, planning, intervention, and evaluation, each student develops an electronic portfolio addressing one of the focus areas in Healthy People 2010. During this 3 credit course students select a focus area for study, access World Wide Web resources and training sites and complete a standard portfolio template to define the selected HP2010 focus area and address the following components: description of the health issue, comparison of statistics across populations, description of pertinent research studies, intervention programs and evaluation strategies. Portfolio examples that represent essential public health competencies and the possible use of the portfolio with students across health-related disciplines are reviewed. The advantages of using this strategy and the challenges of implementing the on-line format are detailed.

Learning Objectives: 1. Describe the structure and format of the student portfolio as a teaching-learning strategy in an undergraduate and RN-to-MSN on-line community health course. 2. Discuss the 11-15 week student portfolio process for students and faculty. 3. Present examples of selected student portfolios which address HP2010 priorities. 4. Analyze advantages and challenges of the portfolio strategy using output and outcome data from course evaluations.

Keywords: Community Health, Distance Education

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA