3175.0: Monday, October 22, 2001 - Table 9

Abstract #22006

Successful strategies for resident participation in community health improvement planning

Laurie Leiber, MPH, Communications Manager, Partnership for the Public's Health, 505 14th Street, Suite 810, Oakland, CA 94612, 510-451-8600 ext. 342, LLeiber@PartnershipPH.org

Resident involvement is the hallmark of community-based public health planning. This panel presentation reports on the experiences of community groups and health departments participating in a statewide community-based public health initiative. The lead author will review findings from a survey of techniques employed to promote and sustain resident involvement in ethnically, linguistically, culturally, geographically and economically diverse communities and neighborhoods in California. Panelists, including both community group and health department representatives, will describe real world examples of successful strategies and share the lessons they have learned working to involve residents in neighborhoods where most people experience significant barriers to civic participation. Other topics that will be addressed include the value of funding earmarked to support volunteer participation and the impact of incentives and stipends, food and social interaction, childcare, transportation, availability of technical assistance, local media attention, volunteer recognition, volunteer training and other educational opportunities on resident involvement. Recommendations to community groups, health departments, foundations and others who want to realize the full potential of resident involvement in community-based public health efforts will conclude the presentation. See www.partnershipph.org

Learning Objectives: 1. List barriers to resident involvement in community-based health planning. 2. Identify strategies to overcome barriers to resident involvement. 3. Recommend actions by community groups, health departments, foundations and others to help realize the full potential of resident involvement in community-based public health efforts.

Keywords: Community Involvement, Partnerships

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

The 129th Annual Meeting of APHA