6017.0: Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 8:30 AM

Abstract #4096

Pediatric HIV infection: A health disparity in Constanta, Romania

Claudia A. Kozinetz, PhD, MPH1, Rodica Matusa, MD2, and Andreea Cazazu, MD1. (1) Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine, 6621 Fannin, MC 3-2316, Houston, TX 77030, 713-770-3730, kozinetz@bcm.tmc.edu, (2) Speranta Association, Constanta, Romania

Eliminating health desparities is often insurmountable in developing countries. To assess the impact of pediatric HIV-1 infection in Romania, the country with the majority of the pediatric cases in Europe, cross-sectional and cohort studies were begun in Constanta (the epi-center of pediatric HIV in Romania) in April 1999. Data are available for 350 subjects ranging from 1 to 17 years of age. Even though the majority of subjects were infected parenterally (54%) or through blood transfusion (34%) during the first year of life, mean age at their first confirmatory test for HIV was 6 years. Only 59% of the subjects are on HIV medication. Of those not on medication, 46% have AIDS whereas, those on HIV medication, only 40% have AIDS. Access to treatment is associated with health status. Assessment of socioeconomic conditions indicated 66% did not live with their parents, and at 40% of those residences there was no employed individual. Households where subjects lived with their parents, 26% had no employed individuals. It is important for these children to remain with their parents as they have an increased chance of a better economic situation. Housing conditions for these subjects also were less than adequate with an average of only 1/2 of a room per inhabitant. Of the school aged subjects, only 79% attended school. As we begin to more formally assess the access to health care and social conditions of children with HIV in Romania we find their social conditions are correlated with their well-being and health status.

Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of the session, the participant in this session will be able to list health and social outcomes of pediatric HIV infection in Romania

Keywords: Access to Health Care, Children With Special Needs

Presenting author's disclosure statement:
Organization/institution whose products or services will be discussed: None
I do not have any significant financial interest/arrangement or affiliation with any organization/institution whose products or services are being discussed in this session.

The 128th Annual Meeting of APHA